martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

My perfect house

My perfect house was be a town houes but in the city. I llike the confort of big rooms. You can't find it in today's homes.

A similar place exists in Mislata. La Moreria is a neighborhoud which atmosphere recalls other times. Although i would like to have a townhouse I would reform it and I would create a modern space.

The basement I would have a small cinema with a big screem to see my favorite films in HD cuality, two big sofas and my Platy Station.

The kitchen and the living room would be on the groung floor. As I want to recive my friends and other visitis I need a lo of space, a meeting zone and a bathroom, of course.

The rooms would be in the firt floor. They should be confortable , big and soundproof spaces.

More or lees tihs is my perfect house, a place where I needn't want anymore.

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Kitchen Vocabulary

Stove: Encimera
Freezen: Congelador
Frich: Nevera
Microwave: Microondas
Dryer: Secadora
Dishwasher: Fregaplatos
Oven: Horno
Grifo: Sink
Te-spoon: Cucharilla
Walldrove: Armario
Desk: Escritorio
Shelfs: Estanterías
Spoon: Cochara
Fork: Tenedor
Knife: Cuchillo


When Bill Gates designed his first PC, he never thougt that today his computer would become a tablet. With this machine you can transform your house in a domotic house and manage all youur live with a device no bigger than a palm of your hand.

In the future all jobs will become virtual jobs, because you will be able to do all your responsabilities without going aout of your room.

With the arrival of google glasses a future begins that remins me of the past. When i saw Dragon Ball on TV, the space warriors had similar devices. Is you are a bussines man, google glasses could be very useful. For example, if you haveany important meeting you can look for some important information when you are in the middle of a negotiation, you could have an advantage over your opponent.